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مدير النشر

HM King Mohammed VI toTrump:The city of Jerusalem should remain a land as well as a symbol of coexis

HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of Al Quds Committee, sent a message to president of the United States of America Donald Trump. Here follows the full text of the message:

"The Honourable Donald Trump, President of the United States of America Dear Mr. President, It gives me pleasure to write to you, today, as Chairman of the Al-Qods Committee, which is affiliated with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation – a grouping that comprises 57 countries representing over one billion citizens. I should like to express my deep concern and that of Arab and Muslim countries following the persistent news of your Administration's intention to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to transfer the United States' Embassy to that city. I am sure you are aware, Mr. President, of the paramount importance of the city of Jerusalem, not only to the parties to the conflict, but also to the followers of the three revealed religions. With its unique religious character, historical identity and special political symbolism, the city of Jerusalem should remain a land as well as a symbol of coexistence and tolerance among all people. Since you took office, you have shown a strong desire and great determination to revive the peace process between the Palestinians and the Israelis, and you have taken promising steps toward that objective – steps that have clearly been supported by the international community, including the Kingdom of Morocco. The above-mentioned intention would have a negative impact on prospects for achieving a just, comprehensive settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, particularly as the United States of America is one of the main sponsors of the peace process – one that enjoys the trust of all parties. As is clearly indicated in the relevant international resolutions, especially those of the Security Council, Jerusalem is at the heart of final status issues. For this reason, its legal status needs to be preserved and nothing should be undertaken that might affect its current political status. Mr. President, The Middle East region is in the grip of several serious crises, in addition to a series of tensions and many perils. It is therefore necessary to avoid taking any measure which could fuel the feelings of injustice and frustration that extremism and terrorism feed on, undermining the fragile stability in the region or frustrating hopes for meaningful negotiations to achieve the vision of the international community concerning a two-State solution. The Kingdom of Morocco, which has invariably worked for the achievement of a just, comprehensive peace in the region, in accordance with the principles of legality and with the relevant international resolutions, firmly believes in your esteemed Administration’s far-sightedness as well as in your personal commitment to peace and stability in the region, and your resolve to facilitate the revival of the peace process and avoid any measure which might impede it or ruin it altogether. Yours sincerely."

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